Mobile Free Pharmacy

The Mobile Free Pharmacy provides individuals and families who are low-income with free over-the-counter medicine. NC MedAssist collaborates with community partners to organize free events throughout the state. Individuals receive items that include, but are not limited to pain relief, cold and cough medicine, allergy, digestive, vitamins and even children’s medicines. The primary purpose for this event is to identify participants that may qualify for the free prescription pharmacy program.

Where does the medicine come from? Through a partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank of Metrolina, NC MedAssist receives shipments of over the counter medicine that is sorted by volunteers and disbursed to adults and families who are less fortunate.

Is the medicine free? YES! No I.D. required at any event! (must be 18 years or older to receive medicine)

How can families receive the medicine? Come see us at one of our events!

For more information on Mobile Free Pharmacy events, please contact Misty Moore. (link to Misty’s email:

Check out our calendar to find out where we will be hosting our next event! (link to MFP events page)